Racism Part 2- Sex

Guys, you just have to face it.  Your ‘Y’ Chromosome is a damaged ‘X’ and you’re a deformed cripple in the genetic scheme of things.

Look at Ants or Honeybees.

Or around you.  The every day misogyny of our society is appalling.  My brother’s girlfriend (who is much younger than I, but I’m 120 years old) was watching a Doris Day movie and said “Wow!”


My experience with women as friends is that they are in almost every respect superior to my male friends.  Brighter, more sympathetic, more loyal, more tolerant.

And yet as a society we inculturate them from birth to be submissive.

Men are intimidated by women (as they should be) and motivated by vagina envy and desire seek to suppress and control them, especially their sexuality.

Thus the slut penalty.  If you’re a woman and you like sex (and I have no idea, but speaking as a man it’s pretty good for me) you’re supposed to face the 9 months and 18 years of child bearing or at least the tut-tutting of your neighbors shaking their shame fingers at you.

Well fuck that.

When I look at women I look them in the eyes and not their breasts (to the extent I can, I am a guy), and I never ever delude myself that they’re not smarter than me.

Update: Amanda Marcotte  


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    • on 08/06/2010 at 00:48

    If you are sincere. Awesome.

    Sadly I have had plenty of experience with faux feminist guys who talk a good line but in action and behaviour are no different than their regular sexist dude counterparts.

    • on 08/06/2010 at 02:39

    . . . and I never ever delude myself that they’re not smarter than me.

    • on 08/06/2010 at 07:05

    I work in a female dominated profession. I am an RN. But the docs I work with are about a 50/50 split. I am sexist in my expectations.

    There was this woman I worked with and still do. In her first year I thought she was such an F(*&^% bitch because she did not listen to me and did things her own way. I am not sure we had as specific event but now we work together well I percieve her differently. But I now see I was very quick to judge her in a way I was not so quick with the guys. My expectation was that she would be “nicer” than the men. Why? Is that really fair and is that not a problematic assumption? I think I was being sexist.I did not want her to do things her way which was unfair. Why can’t she be independent. Whereas with the men I am sort going yes you’re a dick but I expect you to be. So when they act like a dick I shrug but when a female doc acts like a bitch I get defensive with them and think or even say why are you being a bitch? And yes I have told male docs they are being total pricks.

    It has taken me a while to realize the sexism that I bring to the table at work that influences me. I am trying to work on catching myself. Being self aware.

    I wasn’t trying to slam on you ek but this little fantasy that gets perpetuated about how great progressive men are needs to be challenged. And examined and that is what I was doing.

    I think TMC and I could have multiple interesting conversations about this specific topic as it relates to health care and communication in the health care delivery system. There are also a host of class assumptions and dichotomies that get played out within that realm. Shit we don’t even realise we are doing. And sorry TMC my experience of docs even ones who come form modest backgrounds is that they regularly engage in some glaring snobbery and class tom foolery particularly in relation to their communication with other members of the health care team. You seem enough like a straight shooter to appreciate where I am coming from.

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