Prime Time

Keith and Rachel.  I don’t know why I’m bothering to post anything else since all you all (that means my vast audience and all their cousins) ‘professional’ lefties will no doubt be fixated on Cable News Liars just as you were when you fired Shirley Sherrod.

Oh wait, that was Obama.

I’ll be particularly interested in how Rachel handles this since except for DADT she’s a consistent Obamabot.

I had the great pleasure today of voting against EVERY SINGLE INCUMBENT in my Democratic Primary because I Vote.

Every Time.

So thanks for the kick in the balls Barack.  It’s a real motivator with real consequences.  I hope you and your pack of 11 Dimensional Chess Masters have a great November.

You’re a bunch of privileged pampered morons.

But here in Real ‘Murica we don’t whore ourselves for a living and we have other interests.


Dave is in re-runs.  Jon has Jason Bateman, Stephen Dylan Ratigan.  Alton does Ice Cream.

The Invisible Hand of Fate.

Yahoo TV Listings


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  1. who set Gibbs off. I’m not sure if it was something specific or just in general.

    Chuck Todd subbing for Tweetie on “Hard Ball”, had a guest who said that the White House thought that the Liberal Blogoshere would be like the Right and support whatever they do. No only the Obama loyalists do that on certain “Progressive” blogs but that is mostly on the side lines. It only gets noticed when they say something really astute or really stupid.

    Markos’ FP diary was picked up by Greg Sargent at Plum Line this afternoon.

  2. they’re lying to you now!

  3. Still working the ‘Good Tsar’.

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