‘This is what co-optation looks like’

(S)ome guy whose name I didn’t catch gave an astonishingly simple-minded lecture on the history of American radicalism since the populists.

“And then in the 50s, we had the civil right movement…” the guy droned.

“Uh, I think we should conclude the lecture and break up into groups to discuss our nonviolent direct action training,” said Landis. “We seem to be losing people.” A lot of them, too.

Landis asked what kind of a world we wanted to see. Someone said, “Socialism” and Landis said the topic for discussion was now how to plan for a “hypothetical direct action.” Every time somebody brought up something that was actually happening, Landis insisted that our agenda was set and we were only discussing hypothetical situations. So we talked about hypothetically withdrawing money from a hypothetical evil bank, or hypothetically stopping the hypothetical fracking in the Catskills that is going to poison New York City’s hypothetical drinking water.

“What about May 1?” said a retired professor.

“What about it?” said Landis.

“I heard that Occupy Wall Street was calling for a general strike. They’re planning actions all around midtown and they’re saying that nobody should go to work that day.”

“I don’t know anything about that,” said Landis. “We’re talking about hypothetical situations here.”

And so it went from 6:30 to 9:30 last Tuesday night. Over half the crowd left early. Most of those who stayed appeared to be angry and mystified that they had received no training whatever in nonviolent direct action. I doubt that the Democrats or MoveOn succeeded in co-opting anyone, and I predict that they will be inventing more dreary front groups as the election year grinds onward. “Front groups, not issues!” should be Obama’s rallying cry.

“I’m taking the subway to Wall Street,” said a guy in his 20s (probably the only guy in his 20s) as he walked out the door. “That’s where the action is. People are sleeping on the sidewalk there. Apparently the police can’t arrest you if you take up less than half the sidewalk. Go to Maydaynyc.org if you want to find out about the general strike.”

“The first clue … was the sign-up table, where there were a bunch of Obama buttons for sale.  …  Just Obama buttons, which didn’t appear to be selling.”

Yes, The 99% Spring Is A Fraud

Charles M. Young, This Can’t Be Happening

Fri, 04/13/2012 – 11:44

(h/t Lambert Strether @ Naked Capitalism)


    • on 04/15/2012 at 17:02

    caucuses today …

    I discovered about a year ago, when moving into a new legislative district on the north end of seattle

    I discovered that declaring at Dem L.D. events that I was sick of being sold out by yuppie scum and that I was done voting for yuppie sell out scum – people got distracted from my other messages.

    so … I’m a platform Democrat !! (MY platform is anti-fascist, anti-yuppie sell out scum!) I’m leafleting for a newbie running for the legislature …

    IF she turns into another sell out, even 1/10 of a sell out, then in 2 years I’ll be helping someone else in their primary!

    oh well – my caucus location is Ingraham High School, a few blocks from my house, so I expect the campaigns of 0bummer and Jay The Putz Inslee to be out in full force, pushing their conventional wisdom of Cry Walker and let slip the dogs of fear.


    oh yeah – and while there won’t be any Manhattan lawyers, there will be yuppies galore …

    since I’m working for a candidate, I won’t be handing out the little leaflets I was handing out in the summer of 2010 –

    Vote Democratic For

    – sell outs with a conscience

    – grover norquist budgets

    – ronnie raygun’s justifications

    Vote Republican For

    Honest –

    Straight Forward –

    Up Front –

    Duplicity and Fascism


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