Tag: TMC Politics

Worse Than Trump

Don’t let Vice President Mike Pence fool you with his quiet, genteel manner. Like all of Donald Trump’s choices for offices in his administration, Pence is a horror who is worse than Trump and a heartbeat, or impeachment, away from being in charge. Staff writer for The New Yorker Magazine and author, Jane Mayer wrote …

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A Double Hit To Health Care

Yesterday Donald Trump signed an executive order that would permit people to buy junk health insurance undermining the Affordable Car Act. The EO essential creates a parallel insurance system for healthy people: President Donald Trump on Thursday signed an order that could rattle the Affordable Care Act’s private insurance markets by allowing a proliferation of cheaper, …

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Puerto Rico: Americans Are Dying. Who’s In Charge Here?

It is over three weeks since category 5 Hurricane Maria devastated Puerto Rico. The death toll has risen to 45, and 89% of the island is still without electricity. Drinkable water is a major issue with nearly 35% of the population without potable water and drinking water that is being obtained from hazardous waste sites. …

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Fifty First Dates Trump Style.

Trump Travelgate Travails

Under pressure from Trump after his failure to get the Affordable Care Act repealed and the revelations of “price” gauging tax payers for over a million dollars spent on private and military jets, Secretary of Health and Human Services Tom Price resigned/a>. His abrupt departure was announced an hour after Trump told reporters he was …

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The Russian Connection: Put the Fox in Charge

Back in October of 2016 the FBI and computer experts were looking at a Russian bank’s servers examining if there was a connection between the bank and the Trump organization. It appeared that Alpha Bank was using a secret server to interact with the Trump Tower during the campaign. The investigation was dismissed by some …

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New Travel Ban Includes Chad. Why?

Trump’s latest list of travel banned from countries he deems unworthy now includes the African nation of Chad leaving experts scratching their heads, some calling it “sheer stupidity.” “It makes no sense whatsoever. In fact I wonder if there wasn’t some sort of mistake made,” John Campbell, a former US ambassador to Nigeria, told BuzzFeed …

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Does Trump Know Puerto Ricans Are Americans?

In an interviews with MSNBC host Chris Hayes and Sirius XM’s Zerlina Maxwell, former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton questioned whether Donald Trump is aware that Puerto Rico is part of the United States and its residents are US citizens. “I’m not sure he knows that Puerto Ricans are American citizens,” Clinton told Sirius XM’s …

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When All Else Fails, They Lie

The Republicans are determined to pass some form of health care bill by the end of this week when the time runs out to pass it with 51 votes. In a desperate move to get the needed votes from two of the three hold outs, Senators Lisa Murkowsky (R-AK) and Susan Collins (R-ME), revisions were …

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States Rights California Style

In his “New Rules” segment of his HBO show Real Time, Bill Maher took a stand against “outside agitators” who are trying to interfere with California’s liberal agenda. Adopting a good ol’ boy accents while lamenting federal overreach, Bill Maher wrapped up tonight’s Real Time episode with a New Rule: The “States’ Rights” issue now …

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