Tag: Humor
Jun 29 2020
History of the World According to Cats
Dec 28 2017
Bad Lip Reading – Seasons Greetings
Bad Lip Reading sends it greetings for the season with a message from the Trumps and a hidden message from Meania.
May 22 2011
Yogi Berra: “It’s Finally Over”
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
Feb 18 2011
So, You Want to Make Millions? Here’s How…
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
Yes, friends, you too can start a blog (just as Art Fern would say it on the ‘Tonight Show’). Invite assorted celebrities to write for you. For nothing. Convince them that their brilliant ideas will be exposed to millions of readers. Add a bit of fluff to your blog a few months later on. Go on cable tv talk shows and make bombastic statements, preferably in a bad European accent. Create faux controversies. Add a few noted “journalists” to your payroll to give oneself a facade of respectability. Then, find a corporate sucker to believe in all your hype. Walk away with millions of dollars.
Easy enough, isn’t it? As Cartoonist Matt Bors predicted in 2009, “the future is grim”
Dec 31 2010
Desert Island with Stossel, Carlson, and Hannity 20101230
I rarely write fiction, because I am better at scientific nonfiction. However, listening to Stossel on the Fox “News” Network just now has stimulated me to imagine. And what an imagination it is!
The three of them were on a junket and their small aeroplane crashed, gently, onto an uncharted island, sort of like Gilligan’s. The three of them, plus the pilot (a rank amateur) and the other crew of one (a 55 year old mother of three) survived, but in very different camps.
Nov 24 2010
XXX Body Heat XXX – The TSA in Editorial Cartoons
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
Nov 16 2010
Hello Cruel World or: How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love Blogs
Crossposted at Daily Kos and Docudharma
How exhausting is blogging? That’s the $64,000 question for some as following a discouraging election, they seek solace in drifting away or, even, posting a GBCW diary. As a follow-up to this wonderful series — Welcome New Users — by LaughingPlanet and smileycreek, I add my voice addressing not just newbies on this (and other) blogs but, also, a bunch of oldies.
JekyllnHyde’s Tip #1:
and take a look at your computer keyboard first!
Aug 25 2010
Human-Turtle Hybrid
Mitch McConnell on Sunday’s “Meet the Press’: “The President says he’s a Christian” I take him at his word”.
Stephen Colbert, last night’s “The Colbert Report”: O.K. Just like when Mitch McConnell says he’s not a Human-Turtle Hybrid, I take him at his word. And it’s not easy. I have a strong desire to feed this man lettuce and raw hamburger, but I take him at his word.
Jul 09 2010
Thursday Night Humor 20100708: Warning Labels
Many of you who read my posts know that I monitor the Fox “News” Channel from time to time so that you do not have to do so. It is a high risk avocation, because insanity by osmosis is, in my scientific opinion, possible.
Today the repulsive John Stossel, the Fox “News” Channel “contributor” went on a tirade about warning labels on consumer products. His thesis was that they are there only because of “trial lawyers” who fatten their pockets on the backs of big business. By the way, the Fox “News” Channel regularly carries adverts by trial lawyers, mostly for mesothelioma, adverse drug effects, and firms that advertise about getting out of legitimate federal income tax cases.
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