If Republicans Get Their Way In The Elections

(2 PM – promoted by TheMomCat)

they will have a trojan horse hard nosed ‘democratic’ president in the oval office who has let George Bush and Dick Cheney and most of the previous republican administration off the hook effectively pardoning them for torture and all their other war crimes, continued if not expanded the overseas occupations the republicans started, given tens of trillions of dollars to wall street and other republican corporate cronies like the health insurance industry while ensuring the Military Industrial Complex remains the most corrupt and profitable racket in the history of humanity [1], and then falls all over himself bending over backwards to give the republicans anything and everything else they demand and more while conning the democratic base into supporting an ‘incremental’ bipartisanship with batsh*t crazy republicans fantasy to coopt that base into supporting republican policies across the board while insulting that base [2] at every opportunity and generally just screwing the working classes every way possible, while sending out scare letters [3] to that democratic base demanding money and votes because republicans are scary.

Who I’m sure hopes to guarantee himself a lucrative post presidential career continuing this good work for his constituents.


1 U.S. War Spending Now Exceeds That Of All States

2 Gibbs: Obama Still Wants To Feel Pressure From The Left

3 President Obama: “Commit to vote in 2010”


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  1. Republicans are scary. Batsh*t crazy too.

  2. Jeralyn Merritt at TalkLeft commented on Obama’s signing of the $600 billion Border Security Bill stating essentially that he did this backwards because the Republicans will never compromise on immigration. He should have told them to pass a comprehensive immigration bill and the Dream Act before he caved to their demands on border security.

    In fact she thinks he has it wrong all along:

    This is another example of Obama’s tendency to compromise core Democratic principles in his eternal quest for bi-partisanship. He’s the President, the Dems still hold a majority in Congress. He should know when it comes to power, you either use it or lose it.

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