(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
Former Presidential Senior Advisor turned Fox News Political Analyst Karl Rove interviews former President George W. Bush six months from today at his Crawford Texas ranch, and finds a broken, pathetic ex-president who’s reverted to his former days of booze and cocaine since leaving the brightly lit world stage he inhabited for eight years.
Rove finds the venerable ex-president who sacrificed so much and made it his life’s mission to protect America from the hordes of evil terrorists world wide swimming across the oceans with knives in their teeth to kill American babies in their beds has sunk into a paranoid hallucinatory state in which he’s broken all the mirrors in his house out of fear that they are “looking at me” every time he passes one, and who lives in the sad, pathetic delusion that President Obama and the Democrats fully intend to have him arrested, charged, and finally held accountable for what he terms “all my sins” – his war crimes.
It’s sad. He’s a very very sick man, obviously. In this delusional state I doubt very much it’ll be possible for him to understand that Obama and the Democrats are on his side and will always protect him.
Perhaps if we give him more time….
Obama and the Democrats would never do that to someone they consider such a highly respected and beloved ex-president, would they?
Republicans held Bill Clinton responsible for lying about a blow job.
Thank goodness W restored honor and integrity to the office.