Tea Party Primaries

(10 am. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

The Daily Show With Jon Stewart
Tea Party Primaries – Beyond the Palin
Daily Show Full Episodes Political Humor Tea Party

Leave it to Jon and company to point out how the Democrats can “F” up a sure thing. Given the fact that O’Donnell has a 16% chance of winning, that is still 16 percentage points too many. Good luck to Democrat Chris Coons.  


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  1. Shintaro Ishihara has been governor of Tokyo for about 15 years. Given that he is a typical Tea Party candidate long before the tea party came along they have their own racist hero. Just that he’s Japanese. Oh the horror. Good on Jon Stewart for calling them on their b.s.

  2. on how the Ds will F-up sure things.

    More Park 51 like nonsense.

    These nutjobs tea party types will take outrageous bigoted positions.

    The Ds, not wanting to appear weak, will resist making a principled argument and try to prove they are just as bigoted as the Rs.

    It will be inspiring.

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