Prime Time

Lots of premiers if you watch broadcast.  But I don’t.  I don’t watch HBO either but if I did I could hardly escape Boardwalk Empire.


Dave hosts Bill Clinton and Chromeo.  Jon has Jimmy Carter (dueling Presidents), Stephen Pavement.  Alton does Pretzels (he won’t give you the good recipe that uses lye, but you know they use lye to cure olives and lutefisk so I don’t understand what the big deal is).

BoondocksThe Lovely Ebony Brown.

Yeah, I was in the show. I was in the show for 21 days once – the 21 greatest days of my life. You know, you never handle your luggage in the show, somebody else carries your bags. It was great. You hit white balls for batting practice, the ballparks are like cathedrals, the hotels all have room service, and the women all have long legs and brains.

Zap2it TV Listings, Yahoo TV Listings


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  1. How come in former lifetimes, everybody is someone famous?

  2. are making pretzels.

    Not sure I can put up with the news shows that are so misrepresenting witchcraft that I am yelling at them like I do when they promote Islamaphobia. This is just bigotry.

    Witches, Wiccans and Pagans do NOT worship Satan. Saran is a Xian concept that has nothing to do with the Pagan religion. Please note that Pagan, Witch and all references to any religion should be capitalized.

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