Right back at’cha Dave

More Fear Factor enthusiasm

As we get closer to the election hardly a day goes by without Institutional Democrats demonstrating another “Profile in Courage” while they piss off anyone who might be inclined to vote for them.

Yesterday we saw the rare Double Axelrod.  After half an hour of pleading on a conference call with bloggers, showing all the “Vote for Us or Republicans will eat your babies” finesse we’ve come to expect from Joe Biden and Bill Clinton and Ed Rendell (Rachel Maddow has a little more finesse, but not much), David Axelrod “Political Genius” (firstly, you should hear that like “Wiley Coyote- SUPER Genius” and secondly, that arrogant bastard would be the first one to tell you), finally let Susie Madrak get a word in edgewise-

“Have you ever heard of hippie punching?”

Long pause.

“You want us to help you, the first thing I would suggest is enough of the hippie punching. We’re the girl you’ll take under the bleachers but you won’t be seen with in the light of day.”

David Axelrod, “Political Genius”-

“To the extent that we shouldn’t get involved in intramural skirmishing, I couldn’t agree more. We just can’t afford that. There are big things at stake here.”

Madrak replied that Axelrod was missing the point — that the criticism of the left made it tougher for bloggers like herself to motivate the base. “Don’t make our jobs harder,” she said.

“Right back at’cha. Right back at’cha,” Axelrod replied, a bit testily, an apparent reference to blogospheric criticism of the administration.

Dave, the only thing at stake here is your phony baloney job and the only reason that it is at stake is that you’re a craven cowardly fool.

Case in point (told you it was a Double Axelrod day)-

Democrats have also decided to not deal with the Bush tax cut repeal. Speaker Pelosi couldn’t rally her caucus, mostly because of conservative Democrats worried about midterms. Someone needs to explain what the hell having a majority is if so called Democrats are going to slither away without making the case for middle class tax cuts.

If any Congress deserved to get blown out of Washington it’s the 111th. I know it will usher in ugliness from the Right. However, if Democrats won’t stand on a line to make the case they’ve stood on throughout history, which is standing up for the middle class, then they don’t deserve the majority.

Not even bothering to make the fight is the height of political cowardice and malpractice. It’s leaving a move on the board against Republicans un-played that Democrats need and the electorate wants to hear from them. Make the case, drive it home hard, then let the people decide who has their economic back.

If Democrats in “difficult” districts can’t make the case against extending Bush tax cuts for the top 2%, while resoundingly raising their voice for middle class tax cuts, then these Democrats deserve to lose, because the district is too red to help the Democratic agenda actually manifest real progress that matters.

And why should we expect any different?  It’s only wildly popular, like oh… say, the Public Option as opposed to Individual Mandates to spend 20% of your annual income to buy crappy non-coverage from Insurance Industry leeches.

And yet they bitch and moan about the lack of “independent” support after they did everything possible to fold the Veal Pen organizations into Obama for America and the DNC, screwed over the Unions on EFCA, sold out Women’s Reproductive Rights, and have shown a distinct lack of “fierce advocacy” for the GLBT community.

In 2008 we sent “Democrats” to Washington with filibuster proof majorities and gave them complete control of Congress and the White House and they have whimpered and whined like cowardly babies because they are too lazy and stupid to do their jobs.  Well in the real world that gets you fired you pampered privileged pantywaists.  I hope you’re all unemployed long enough to use up all your benefits just like every working class Joe you shafted.  You’re miserable excuses for human beings and a waste of the air you breathe.  Contribute to reducing Global Warming by shutting your big, fat, yaps.

We voted for change and we’ll keep voting until we get it.



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  1. Base Motivation

    President Snowe has nothing to do with this.

    SAN DIEGO – Attorneys for the Obama administration objected Thursday to a proposed worldwide injunction being considered by a California federal judge that would halt the military’s ban on openly gay troops.

    Calling the possible move “untenable,” Department of Justice attorneys filed their objections in U.S. District Court in Riverside.

  2. Actions speak louder than words.

  3. Senate Officially Punts Tax Cut Debate, Readies Outsourcing Bill

    By: David Dayen Friday September 24, 2010 7:10 am

    It’s not clear who drove this decision, but it doesn’t really matter. The White House and Congressional Democrats say they’ll continue to use basically the same language, that Republicans are holding tax relief for the middle class hostage. That was certainly David Axelrod’s message on yesterday’s conference call with liberal bloggers and writers:

    I think the problem with this is obvious, right? All anybody will see is that Democrats walked off the field. If Republicans actually blocked a vote, there’s at least evidence for this claim. Unlike in the House, where ensuring a clear contrast would be tricky given the motion to recommit and other procedural games, I don’t think there are 19 Democrats in the Senate who would abandon the party on a straight vote on tax cuts for millionaires, though I could be wrong. Therefore you could have structured the vote to show a somewhat clear contrast, although you’d definitely get some defectors. But some skittish Dems don’t ever want to talk about taxes because they think they’ll lose the argument even when the public is on their side. So they walked away. And it just feeds a narrative of weakness. I think the tax cut debate reflects more a conservative working majority in Congress, but in the “win the day” of politics, Democrats lost big here as well.

    The reason Republicans get away with branding Institutional Democrats as cowards and losers is because…

    Well, they are.

  4. Child Nutrition Bill that Cuts Food Stamps Could Pass House

    By: David Dayen Friday September 24, 2010 7:42 am

    Congress has already passed one bill this year that paid for itself by rolling back increases in the food stamp program. The Senate passed another back in August, a child nutrition bill favored by First Lady Michelle Obama, which sounds like the ultimate joke: it pays for increases to the school lunch program by cutting food stamps. For poor children, it given them lunch by taking away dinner. House liberals at one point vowed not to make further cuts to food stamps in this bill, but the Senate has basically jammed them, saying “take it or leave it.”

  5. Politically savvy Senators wanted middle class tax cut vote

    By  Greg Sargent, The Plum Line, September 24, 2010; 11:02 AM ET  

    So why did it fail? According to a very plugged in Senate aide, Senators debating the issue were very aware that the polling was on their side. Yet, paradoxically, this ended up tipping the balance against  holding the vote. Senate Dems felt they were alreadly winning on the issue, and in the end they thought a vote risked upsetting a dynamic that was already playing in their favor.

    “People felt like, Why rock the boat on a good situation?” the aide tells me. “People weren’t sure how how having a vote would effect that dynamic. We would have lost Democrats on certain aspects of the vote. Who knows if the media would cover that as Democrats being splintered? In a way the good polling gave people faith that we dont need to do anything on the issue because we’re already winning.”

    Only in the alternate universe known as the United States Senate, ladies and gentlemen.

  6. Praise the President, or Save the House?

    heard Biden on the Rachel Maddow show, and I’m not sure I understand the theory here. You’re not supposed to criticize the health care bill, or the President himself, because if you do, it means that it could depress turnout in the November election and the Republicans would take the House, and that would be the worst thing that could possibly happen.

    “Because the consequences are serious for the outcome of the things we care most about,” said Biden (right before he said “we have enough votes to sustain support for repealing Don’t Ask Don’t Vote [sic].”)

    Okay, fair enough. We’ll let slide for the moment the questionable assumption that it depresses voter turnout if the base criticizes the President, but it doesn’t depress voter turnout if the President criticizes the base – considering  86% of Democrats supported the public option, and 6 in 10 Americans now oppose the war in Afghanistan.

    The argument spins out of the logic turn completely right when Tim Kaine flips his shit because Democrats in conservative districts  are running against Obama to save themselves.

  7. Will Morale Improve With Continued Beatings? by slinkerwink

    The answer is, we don’t beat, cajole, hector, denigrate, insult, or ignore their concerns and needs. We have to empathize with them, understand where they’re coming from, take their concerns seriously. Then we educate them about who their Democratic Senator/Representative is, why it’s worth keeping that official in Congress, and the sort of legislative victories that Democratic official has done.

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