
First of all I have to give credit to TheMomCat for the title.  It’s her coinage as far as I know, and I think it’s pretty punny.

So what’s so bad about the Tax Cut deal outside, of course, breaking yet another major campaign promise?

Well, it raises taxes on those making less than $20,000 a year.

The “2% Payroll Tax Cut” starves Social Security, throwing it into a fiscal crunch that did not previously exist.

The Estate Tax break alone, affecting only 1.62% of Estates, will cost over $23.2 Billion per year.

And it runs up a $900 Billion Defict in just 2 years with over 70% of the benefits going to the Wealthiest 2% and Corporations, proving that anyone in Washington who claims to care about The Deficit is a FLAT OUT LIAR.  As Robert Reich says– “Families with incomes of over $1 million will reap an average of about $70,000, while middle-class families earning $50,000 a year will get an average of around $1,500.”

Not to mention that all these Republican Trickle Down Voodoo Economics Policies have been tried and tested for the last 10 years and are PROVEN FAILURES.

Likewise Liars are anyone who claims to care about Democratic Electoral Victory.  74% of Obama contributors and volunteers are deeply opposed to this deal, while fully 57% say it will make them less likely to support Democratic Candidates in 2012.

And Barack Hussein Obama is not just a Liar, but a Craven, Cowardly, Petulant, Whiner.

Update: I ought to point out before you invest a lot of time that the presser runs 32:24 and the Special Comment 11:51.  Americablog had the best liveblog coverage that I have read.


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  1. He missed the point about never negotiating with hostage takers, aLL terrorists threaten their hostages with harm!

  2. You’ll Never Guess Whose Taxes Are Going To Go Up Because Of The Tax Cut ‘Compromise’

       Although the $120 billion payroll tax reduction offers nearly twice the tax savings of the credit it replaces, it will nonetheless lead to higher tax bills for individuals with incomes below $20,000 and families that make less than $40,000. That is because their payroll tax savings are less than the $400 or $800 they will lose from the Making Work Pay credit.

       “It will come to a few dollars a week,” said Roberton Williams, an analyst at the nonpartisan Tax Policy Center, “but it is an increase.”

    For many in that tax category “a few dollars a week” is milk for the kids.

  3. Seems to me Obama doesn’t want or need my vote.  He’s certainly not willing to fight for me. I guess he figures he’s going to get so many more Republicans and Indies.

    Good luck with that Barry.

  4. Obama Admits: I was born in Morocco

    Alex Blaze, The Huffington Post

    December 7, 2010 01:31 PM

    WASHINGTON, D.C. – In a press conference this morning, President Barack Obama admitted that he was, in fact, born in Morocco.

    “It’s half-way between Kenya and the US,” Mr. Obama explained, “so in the spirit of bipartisan compromise I’m going to admit that I was born in Morocco. I haven’t seen the long-form birth certificate either and I don’t remember my birth, so who knows? There’s probably some truth in both sides. I hope by extending this olive branch to my opponents that we can lay this matter to rest.”

    This attempt to reach across the aisle to Republicans follows Mr. Obama’s compromise that extended tax cuts to the richest in the country and lowered the estate tax in order to make sure the millions of unemployed Americans don’t starve for the next few months. He hopes this compromise will lay the matter of his disputed citizenship to rest.

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