WikiLeaks War Log: Greenwald Takes Two CNN Employees to the Woodshed – Up Date

(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

During an interview on CNN, Glenn Greenwald, Salon contributor and Constitutional lawyer, takes to task CNN’s Jessica Yellin and former George W. Bush Homeland Security advisor now a CNN contributor, Fran Townsend, for the misinformation about the release of classified information and the accusations that are being made about Julian Assange. Greenwald makes deeper observations regarding the exchange.

The lack of journalistic neutrality and questioning of government and political figures makes the them “indistinguishable”:

It’s not news that establishment journalists identify with, are merged into, serve as spokespeople for, the political class:  that’s what makes them establishment journalists.

Fran Townsend was everything you would expect from a former Bush apologist and Jessica Yellin may well have been a government plant. Neither was a match for Greenwald.

The transcript is now available thank to an ambitious blogger, hotdog, at FDL


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  1. is an ass kicker!

    He’ll probably never be invited back.

  2. after listening to that, that Jessica Yellin is just bimbo and a classless asshole, but Fran Townsend should at the very least be sued for defamation, if not hunted down and publicly treated like Jesus Christ was.

  3. were completely false. Including when they said that Wikileaks never contacted the U.S. about redacting some of the more sensitive material contain in those cables.  

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