T-Day Throwball 1: Texans @ Lions

Lions 3 point underdogs because they’re a hard luck story on the holiday, but that’s the reason you should be rooting for a town I hoped would take at least one in the Series.

Besides, they’re the Texans.  I’d go for them in a matchup against the ‘Boys though.

Something must be done! War would mean a prohibitive increase in our taxes.

Hey, I got an uncle lives in Taxes.

No, I’m talking about taxes – money, dollars!

Dollars! There’s-a where my uncle lives! Dollars, Taxes!


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  1. h/t bmaz on twitter

  2. Real glad.

  3. Oh, they’ll still find a way to lose.

  4. bounced off goal post.

  5. It wouldn’t be Thanksgiving without a Lions loss. 🙁

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