(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
Got NDAA? Thank democrats. Got a collapsed economy? Thank democrats. Got Obama? Thank democrats.
Going back to Iraq? Thank democrats. It’s not a war, you’re just bombing kids? Thank democrats.
Don’t have a republican in the white house so you don’t have to pretend for years to be opposed to all the reeking republican neocon assholianist crap the democrat in the white house does? Thank the democrat in the white house.
Got unprecedented deportations? Thank democrats. Got unprecedented oil drillling? Thank democrats. Got unprecedented persecution of whistleblowers? Thank democrats.
Got Chained CPI? Thank democrats. Got TPP? Thank democrats. Got XL Keystone Pipeline? Thank democrats. Got NDAA on steroids? Thank democrats.
Got a collapsing climate and global ecology? Thank democrats.
Got hordes of pathetic democratic shills and wind up obots handily yelling “OMFG! Look over there!! Republicans!!!” to desperately try to change the subject to anything but the pathetic reality of democrats and their shills every time somebody points out the pathetic reality of democrats and their shills? Thank democrats.
Getting Hillary? Thank fuckin’ democrats.

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Thank democrats.
I’m sick of this “Thank Democrats” bullshit. It’s a bunch of stupid propaganda. We need massive change, not sycophants spreading propaganda so they can be part of the #winning team.
for Roberts, Alito, Thomas and Scalia and the three women who decided that protecting a women’s right to seeing her doctor was not protected from screeching anti=abortion activists or violence.