about that holy war against health insurers

(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

PhotobucketDoing some reading before bed last night and opened nyceve’s diary over at dKos titled In 2011, these people will launch holy war against the health insurance Industry.

I get here, where she writes:

As insurers continue to raise premiums and cut benefits, Health and Human Services is relegated to pleading, cajoling and threatening, but in the end, can do little to control them. This is an uncontrollable industry.

… and my head explodes: they can’t they be controlled???? Why is that?????? Isn’t that what we should focus on???

nyceve… she’s great, heroic even… out there fighting to make things better. But there’s this one little thing: we are engulfed in lawlessness and lack of accountability. Nobody… nobody… is enforcing the law or holding the powerful accountable.

What does this have to do with health insurance?

Just . . . everything.

cross-posted at writing in the rAw and at dKos

I know I am not the most eloquent of writers. Or the most clear. But I’ve said it a hundred times, although, by now, the point ought to be making itself:

It does not matter what policy is enacted… or what legislation is passed… or what laws may be on the books… or what regulation exists. None of it matters. Because the criminals are running the show. The people who have robbed you, me, us, this country and its treasure in blood and gold… are in charge. They do what they want with health care rates and there is nobody to stop them. There’s nobody to stop them from taking our soclial security either. At this moment, we have no tools: we can not stop them.

I know health care is important. But it is moot. It’s a diversion. It pales in comparison to the usurping of our laws and the undoing of our Constitution by the bad guys. And that is why, as nyceve writes, the health care industry is uncontrollable.

They along with all the other power players are un_controll_able. Let me repeat: because the laws on the books have absolutely no impact on their actions. They face no consequences. The can do whatever the fuck they want.

You want to change this game? Because as timid as you, me, we might be… this game is going to change. It’s going to change… what impact will we have on the outcome?

I predict this: if we keep focused on single issues, like health care,  the environment, social security et al, we will lose.

There is only one issue, as it has always been: accountability to the law. We need to reinstate accountability to the law. We need to reinstate consequences to the might-is-right crowd. Democrat, Republican, I don’t care. The people who crashed a world financial market and continue to cripple it further need to be stopped. It’s that simple.

Focus. We need to get this straight. The facade is more fragile than ever and that makes this all the more dangerous. If we want to have influence, then we need to exert pressure and create platforms of influence at the right places. And in a fucking hurry.

Health care, civil rights, human rights, animal rights, the environment… all of it succeeds only when we reinstate the rule of law and reinstate and/or create common sense/fair regulations on all industry. And when we force/insist/demand CEOs and politicans to adhere to the LAW.  Without it, everything else is just camping out.

Be prepared. It’s going to be a bumpy ride.


    • on 12/26/2010 at 14:20

    this game is rigged.

    time to change the game, the rules, and the board upon which it is played.

    time to come up with revolutionary strategies on local and regional levels. use the judiciary of states and county or state grand juries to issue indictments for BushCo, BP CEO, among many others.

    time to get creative and focus. fucking focus!

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