Another Unpopular Essay

(6 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)

(or why the left blogosfero is bankrupt).

This doesn’t really qualify as an essay. It’s just an observation about the left blogosfero and its many blindspots.  In this case the blindspot is the California Prisoners’ Hunger Strike, which is today on its 18th day.  These prisoners deserve our support. No doubt about it.  So I put up an essay about it at the Great Orange Satan.  How else to get the situation before a zillion people quickly? Would the denizens of the left step forward and fight for prisoners?  Cue: crickets.

My point: the prisoners need support, and they need it soon to bring about a humane and peaceful resolution of their grievances.  They need expressions of support.  From bloggers.  From blog readers. They need our help.  Otherwise many of them will be seriously injured by the fasting, and they may ultimately be force fed by the prison officials in scenes reminiscent of Northern Ireland.

Of course, you won’t be able to watch that.  It will be done “privately.”  But I digress.

The way GOS works now virtually assures that nobody will see,  much less react to the call for support.  See for yourself.

And the smaller blogs?  Let’s see.


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    • on 07/18/2011 at 23:30

    I consider long term solitary confinement torture and a human rights violation.

  1. What else can I do?

  2. in the evening open thread. Lets see if that fives it some traction. I’ll do it tonight in Meteor Blades Late Night Open thread at 11:30. I’ll try and get it up at the top.

  3. e-mailed to friends and family.

    The idea is to keep this from going unnoticed.

    The officials have impunity to do whatever they want if nobody is calling about this.  Whatever you can do that brings this out of the shadows and into consciousness is very important to these prisoners’ struggle.

    Great piece davidseth. Even though there are folks with willful blind spots, it’s important these posts continue. The more places these actions are documented, the harder it will be for people deny what’s really happening.

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