“Looks like I picked the wrong day to stop sniffing glue”

So another Oil Rig has exploded off the Louisiana coast.  According to the latest TV reports all 13 workers are safe, though at least one is injured.

What makes this funny in that sad ironic sense is that not only did Judge Martin Feldman, the severely conflicted by his Oil Industry investments guy who blocked the Obama Adminitration’s initial deepwater drilling moratorium, just blocked the second one; but only yesterday Mariner Energy, the company running the rig, and its parent company Apache, which is purchasing BP’s Gulf assets to help BP meet its liability for the Deepwater Horizon disaster, staged a protest in Houston over the moratorium.

Good thing we have all those oil eating bacteria.  I’m sure 75% of it will be gone in no time.

Unfortunately, as dday observes-

With the White House’s commission on oil spills wavering in the direction of lifting the moratorium, and the head of the Bureau of Ocean Energy hinting at the same thing, and now this tangle in the courts, I don’t think you’re going to see much more of a fight.


  1. In the middle of a really active Hurricane season.

    Oil Sheen Seen Near Damaged Platform in Gulf of Mexico

    NEW ORLEANS – An oil  sheen one mile long was spotted on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico hours after an offshore oil platform exploded there on Thursday morning, the United States Coast Guard said.

    It was unclear how much oil was leaking, and whether it was spilling from the damaged platform or welling up from beneath the surface of the Gulf. But the prospect of a second oil leak was unnerving for a region still recovering from the environmental and financial toll of the months-long spill at a BP well earlier this year. Coast Guard officials said the sheen measured one mile long by 100 feet wide.  

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