Autumnal Equinox 2010 and the Full Moon

At 11:09 PM EDT, Summer exits and Autumn begins. This year is especially significant since it also coincides with the Full Moon also known as the Harvest Moon. The night and day are equal as the sun passes over the equator heading south to give the Earth’s Southern Hemisphere its turn at Summer.

In Pagan and Wiccan beliefs this is the second harvest, Mabon, and a time to start finishing the canning and preserving for the coming winter. It is the balancing of the wheel and respect is given to the coming darkness. The sun enters the astrological sign of Libra, the Scales of Balance.

For Jews, this is the first night of Sukkot or Festival of Booths. It commemorates the Israelites’ wanderings in the desert following their Exodus from Egypt, during which time they lived in portable shelters or booths.

Whatever you believe or even if you don’t, step outside tonight with your favorite beverage and toast the sun and the moon and the changing of the seasons.

The Wheel Turns. Blessed Be.


    • on 09/23/2010 at 05:40

    starts tonight and is a pretty big deal.  Dunno if the equinox coincidence matters to them tho.

    From AP:

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