Prime Time

Lots of broadcast premiers, none worth watching despite the paucity of programming elsewhere.  I suggest a nap or a good book or spending time with friends and family.  How about a nice game of Yahtzee?


Dave hosts Bloomberg (you should really click) and Jesse Eisenberg.  Jon has Linda Polman, Stephen Steve Rattner.  No Alton.

BoondocksGuess Hoe’s Coming to Dinner, also Harvey Birdman, Yabba Dabba Don.

Yabba dabba do?

How ’bout Yabba dabba don’t.

Woke up this morning.

Ya got no fancy shoes.

Ya got no fancy shoes.

Ya got no fancy shoes.

Zap2it TV Listings, Yahoo TV Listings


  1. Bloomberg is as I found him.  I expect it will correct so I used a permanent link.

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