The Economic Damage of Republican Obstructionism

h/t HEATHER @ Crooks & Liars for  the video and the transcript here


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  1. They’re even worse than Republicans. They’re traitors to the Democratic Party Principles

  2. Seriously.

    All the GOP wants is to further enrich the richest 1%.  Otherwise, they only care about power.

    Power and money.

    And the idiot GOP voters eat it up.

    Jeez.  I took Econ 101 in college, with the same Samuelson text as EK, and even I recognize GOP economic policies as…well, folly at best, and criminally insane at worst.

    It’s why I vote for Democrats, even if I don’t always like them: the GOP is SO much more horrible: venal and evil.  And their so-called grass roots voters are just bug-fuck insane.

  3. but I kinda like it, and thought others here would, too:

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