(2 pm. – promoted by ek hornbeck)
I like to suggest to all the open carry nutjobs out there in the land of the free and the home of the brave that it’s way past time for them to take their ak-47’s over to Washington and shoot the gummint, eh?
After all that’s what they’re for, right? Nutjobs, I mean.
Why they haven’t taken back the country yet is beyond me. lol. snort.

TPM Livewire, Oct. 08, 2014
Man Openly Carrying His Brand New Firearm Is Robbed Of It At Gunpoint
An Oregon man openly carrying his brand new handgun was robbed of the firearm Saturday by another armed man.
Portland TV station KPTV reported that the 21-year-old victim, who had bought a semi-automatic .22-caliber handgun earlier in the day, was openly carrying the weapon down a street in Gresham, Ore. while talking to his cousin. The two men told investigators that another man approached them on their walk and asked for a cigarette.
Police said the group’s conversation eventually turned to the victim’s new gun. The man who asked for a cigarette allegedly pulled his own firearm from his waistband and said “I like your gun, give it to me,” according to police.
KPTV reported that the man fled after the victim handed over his new purchase. The news station described the weapon the man used in the robbery as a black, possibly semi-automatic gun.
Arm every man woman and child in Texas with semiautomatics. Cause you know the only thing that stops a bad 9 year old with a gun is a good 9 year old with a gun. What could possibly go wrong?
If it doesn’t work well we can just build a border wall along the northern sides of the state and give them back to Mexico.