Author's posts
Sep 20 2013
What We Really Should be Yellin About When it Comes to Who Runs the Fed
Effective regulation, and on that note, it is a positive thing that the Summers of our discontent can finally be laid to rest. After all the damage Larry Summers has caused in being one of the architects of this crisis, from boxing in Brooksley Born and ignoring her warnings with regard to derivatives which brought down Long Term Capital Management during the Clinton administration, to his sexism among everything else. He has now thankfully taken himself out consideration for the job.
It’s a good thing he did. Rather than fighting for something or someone that helps people suffering from this economic crisis, President Obama strongly recommended and fought for Larry Summers to be Chairman of the Federal Reserve, a guy who lost a billion dollars as President of Harvard betting on interest rates. Yeah, let that sink in for awhile.
It’s really not OK. This is why making excuses for everything the President does, as too many Democrats do without thinking of the damage, is dangerous, immoral, and unprincipled. Now it looks like the front runner to replace Ben Bernanke as Chairman of the Federal Reserve is going to be Vice Chairwoman of the Board of Governors of the Federal Reserve System and once President and Chief Executive Officer of the Federal Reserve Bank of San Francisco, Janet Yellin. Unlike Larry Summers, she at least saw the crisis coming as early as 2005.
Jun 20 2013
Historian Rick Perlstein Uses the Nation to Whine About My Tweet
I have to admit, I was surprised to be notified that Historian Rick Perlstein of Nixonland fame, devoted an entire column in the Nation to two tweets replying to him; one from myself and one from another commentator on twitter. It’s also surprising, because I have been a fan of some of what Perlstein has written in the past, and I have cited him before. However, after this, I and certainly a lot of other people surprised at this lack of professionalism from an established writer, won’t do it again.
After all, one doesn’t normally read columns by established historians devoting entire pieces to complaints about tweets they received or people on twitter. Especially, one tweet that was merely a question about a widely cited article at CNET. I certainly don’t know why Rick Perlstein was so offended by that to devote an entire piece in the Nation to mine and one other tweet he received. I have to wonder if he realizes how unprofessional he looks by doing so. The excellent responses to Perlstein’s shoddy piece in the comments section certainly speak to that.
On Glenn Greenwald and His Fans
Read another tweet:
“NSA admits listening to U.S. phone calls without warrants via @CNET What say you, @RickPerlstein ?”
I think we can detect here an accusatory tone, especially given the way the tweeter, “therealpriceman,” fawns over Glenn Greenwald generally. (Though you can never be sure on the Internet, and besides, why do people pursue political arguments on Twitter anyway? I’ll never understand how, for instance, “When u talk gun violence lk in mirror PA here we cling to guns-apologz to PRES O”-another tweet directed my way, apparently somehow meant to respond to this-could possibly contribute anything useful to our common political life.) I detect in this message: even the NSA says you’re wrong about Glenn Greenwald, so when are you going to apologize? And if I’m reading right, that’s some really smelly stupidity. Because the whole point of my original post was that there was plenty Greenwald had “nailed dead to rights” in his reporting. What I had in mind when I wrote that (I should have specified this, I think) was the stuff on Verizon turning over metadata to the NSA. And yet what therealpriceman links to is an article suggesting something that Greenwald has not (yet?) claimed, and which still remains controversial and undetermined: that the NSA has acknowledged that it does not need court authorization to listen to domestic phone calls, a claim sourced to Representative Jerrold Nadler, which Nadler based on a classified briefing he and other Congressmen received, but which it has since been established Nadler probably just misunderstood.
And given that perspective, I would love to know why Glenn Greenwald thinks the establishment cannot do to him, a relative flyspeck in the grand scheme of things, what they did to Dan Rather, a towering giant of Washington reporting going back to Watergate. Which is: consign him to the outer darkness, where the only people who care about what he has to say are the likes of my good friends @therealpriceman and @runtodaylight.
He starts out by assuring the audience that he has thick skin, but then goes on to prove just how thin it really is. By whining for 13 paragraphs or so about criticism, criticism from a couple of tweets he received days ago, it really doesn’t show the maturity he was initially hoping to espouse. So since I apparently hurt his fee fees so bad, in 140 characters or less, I’ll go ahead and put his suppositions to the test.
Jun 17 2013
Sunday June 16, 2013: FINAL Up With Steve Kornacki Tweets
This is the final #Uppers. It's just not worth my time and Lord knows I tried. They had Rick Perlstein on and didn't go into what I prepared for, via his BS attacks and misrepresentations of Glenn Greenwald's articles on PRISM. It was immigration reform, gun control, and more election demographic crap. It's not policy.
It's all inside Congress baseball and isn't that cool? No it's not. Elections without serious reforms to the process, million dollar campaigns and primaries, reform of all our government on all levels from the filibuster to the SCOTUS. It's just not worth staying up. Steve Kornacki doesn't get it.
I may try to tweet All IN a few nights and post that, but I have had enough. I am not alone either, if you check the feed. I have tired to make it interesting, but I can't do it anymore. I need to go to bed earlier. Enjoy the final #Uppers.
Oh & Happy father's day. Of course the Obama adminstartion is not our daddy so let's not be stupid and child-like defending the NSA #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
I hope we are not going to spend an hour on this. This flawed bill=most likely not going anywhere+it's same topic4 3 weeks in a row. #Uppers — priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
To sum it up, H1B visas will be bad 4 jobs. We need a path 2 citizenship, not border patrol BS. The Legislative branch is broken. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
So we're just going to ignore the biggest story of the week on Sunday? Disappointing. #NSA #4thamendment #PatriotAct #FISA #PRISM #Uppers — priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
Here's the elephant in the room: does it matter if (D)s take the south if they keep legislature broken+exercise failure in office? #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
it's amazing how little airtime #msnbc dedicates to environmental issues @therealpriceman classic metrosexual bias #uppers — Greg Griffin (@GDGriffin) June 16, 2013
I can't believe we're talking about my state+mobilization without referring to the redistricting laws. Even this seg is dissapointin #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
Here we go: another go nowhere repeated topic: Gun control. A Billionare is responsible, not Harry Reid keeping Senate broken. Ok. #Uppers — priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
This is all a smokescreen. You are not talking about the filibuster+Harry Reid selling out. You are not talking about the issue #Uppers.
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
(2)So telecoms would not need any back door or limited server shielded from lawsuits Perlstein & his appeal to authority made up. #Uppers — priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
I dont set my alarm clock anymore and look forward to #nerdland now RT @therealpriceman: This is not worth staying up for. #Uppers
— NTXProgressive (@NTXProgressive) June 16, 2013
@NTXProgressive I don't blame you. I think I have had enough. #Uppers — priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
You should know that #Uppers leaves the real issues for what you should know when there's no time to talk about them #SNAP #Cuts #Bipartisan
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
How LBJ Brought Real Change Unlike Obama Today via @dailykos How it happened+what it means. #Uppers #civilrights — priceman (@therealpriceman) June 16, 2013
Thank you for everyone who read this series. I wish Chris Hayes was still doing it. Maybe part of me is getting tired of politics and cable news, anyway.
Jun 12 2013
When You Support George W. Bush’s Policies, like Obama, I Get to Call You a Republican
Worse than a Republican; I get to call you a fawning sellout with even less principles than the Republican security soccer moms of 2004 that we all remember before. They really believed back then, and still do, that giving up their rights was worth a sense of (fake) security. And you know what? They were more principled than anyone who writes diaries excusing neoconservative policies from the Obama administration that were unacceptable to them when they came from the George W. Bush administration.
Period. End of story. Why? The RW soccer moms didn’t pretend to be outraged about this stuff during the Bush years. They have consistently supported it. So since that is an undeniable fact, I have to ask some of you how it feels to have even less principles than Republican voters who excused and supported some of the worst war crimes in history? How does it feel to enable a Justice Department that has now de facto codified some of the worst war crimes and financial crimes in history? How does it feel now that it is now exposed that, like Republican voters, you need a BS war on terror to feel safe?
How does it feel to repeat the same BS that cretins from the right did in the 2004 election to support their chosen leader? You know that fear mongering bit about “having nothing to hide so then having nothing to worry about?” That came from the RNC, and now that garbage is being recycled by people “who consider themselves Democrats or progressives based mostly on their feelings and nothing more. This similar zeitgeist all started during the run up to the Iraq war after 9/11 when the Patriot Act was passed when almost no one read the Bill in Congress.
Unlike apparently many people who didn’t really mean it, I was actually horrified by what went on during those years, and yet those same policies continue under President Obama. I’m also horrified that some of the same people who call themselves Democrats are not horrified anymore.
Jun 09 2013
Sunday June 9, 2013: Up with Steve Kornacki Tweets
Hello. A programming note: Today was a decent show, but sadly, Saturday’s shows are kind of a waste of time for me since there is meaningless Congressional baseball talk(without the same caliber talk of reforming it or killing the filibuster) and hour long discussions about New jersey politics and Chris Christie I think are unwarranted. So therefore, I am going to be doing strictly a Sunday series on this now. That is when we talk about real shit like warrantless phone-tracking, warrantless surveillance, and the NSA as we did today.
It’s sadly not just me. In fairness, what I am interested in and what Steve is interested in are two different things. Chris Hayes shares my same interests and Steve does not. I like discussions about policy, and I’m just not getting enough of that. Besides, Sunday is enough to not abandon the #Uppers people who do appreciate what I tweet. I may or may not tweet on Saturday, but the tweets won’t be collected. So here we are on #Uppers.
Glad we are talking about real shit today. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 9, 2013
@therealpriceman my thoughts, exactly. #uppers
— Adina M. Lav (@adinalav) June 9, 2013
@therealpriceman Re-emphasizing REauthorized Acts of the Bush Administration! #uppers
— Al Clements (@afc33125) June 9, 2013
@afc33125 @therealpricemanstill looking for that change…#uppers
— laughing gnome farm (@lgf5656) June 9, 2013
An easy way to let people know you stand for nothing is to make excuses for George W. Bush’s neocon programs because Obama uses them #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 9, 2013
Good morning #Uppers. I think it’s important to recognize that the fake Constitutional scholar doesn’t understand the 4th amendment.
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 9, 2013
@therealpricemannailed it!#uppers
— laughing gnome farm (@lgf5656) June 9, 2013
The New Deal coalition is what defines the Democratic platform and the Great Society on top of it later more than Andrew Jackson now #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 9, 2013
Interesting bit of history on Andrew Jackson. He paid off all US debt=then there’s a bad recession+all Jacksonians thrown out office #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 9, 2013
Thank you for reading.
Jun 02 2013
Sunday June 2, 2013: Up with Steve Kornacki Tweets
Today was about vacancies in the DC circuit courts being blocked in the Senate, the filibuster for once, Harry Reid, and the Justice Department obtained access to the emails of Fox News reporter James Rosen accused him of being a likely criminal “co-conspirator” in the leak of sensitive material regarding North Korea, and violating the federal Espionage Act. All this now on #Uppers.
And a hearty Sun AM Amen! MT @therealpriceman: Pls no more talk about guns, meaningless Congress baseball card stats, or Weiners on #Uppers.
— GFJacobs (@GFJacobs) June 2, 2013
Harry Reid has been saying this for years. #AllTalk #StillDoesntHaveVotes #uppers
— Lizz Winstead (@lizzwinstead) June 2, 2013
(D)s didn’t block shit when George W. Bush was President. Therefore they helped create the Roberts court+now wonder what’s happened. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 2, 2013
The @dccc is a corporation, an oligarchy progressives need to keep arms’ length at all times. @therealpriceman #uppers @progressivesutd
— Richard Fouchaux (@thefooshshow) June 2, 2013
Harry Reid is full of shit. He won’t go nuclear. It’s not a real threat. Only Sahil Kapur thinks it is. It’s fiction. Fantasy. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 2, 2013
I’m not hopeful, because as soon as Harry Reid fails again, we’ll have partisans on cable news making excuses for him. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 2, 2013
I’m glad we are talking about the filibuster, because Congress baseball card stats mean nothing because we don’t have a legislature. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 2, 2013
@therealpriceman I hope you are wrong, but he’s proven himself to be unable to make powerful decision. #uppers
— Meryl Ranzer (@merylnyc) June 2, 2013
@therealpriceman I agree.
— Meryl Ranzer (@merylnyc) June 2, 2013
RT @therealpriceman: “Wahhh, I don’t have the votes, I mean I can’t do my job and keep my caucus in line.” ~Harry Reid on his failures…
— GFJacobs (@GFJacobs) June 2, 2013
@therealpriceman Do you mean wrong senators or nominees that PBO shaped in senate? #uppers
— Nerdland Fruit Plate (@NerdlandPstryPl) June 2, 2013
@therealpriceman TY for link. #uppers
— Nerdland Fruit Plate (@NerdlandPstryPl) June 2, 2013
so Bachmann is like Ricin guy who talks of God Given Constitutional Rights #uppers that’s comforting
— Greg Griffin (@GDGriffin) June 2, 2013
I agree KPW! RT @kpw222: ive decided it’s worth putting up w disappointment of #uppers just to get to hang out w people who are watching it.
— NTXProgressive (@NTXProgressive) June 2, 2013
Eric Holder should be fired and he did cross the line. Post Watergate regulations need to be followed or a get a court review period #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 2, 2013
Bad news. If we always followed polling there would be no civil rights. Freedom of the press is still important. Sorry, guys. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) June 2, 2013
Thank you for reading.
May 26 2013
Sunday May 26, 2013: Up with Steve Kornacki Tweets
Today’s show was about immigration reform, Oklahoma disaster relief, Apple tax shelters, Apple, Congress, tax law, and corporate taxes. #Uppers is now.
Richard Kim is right. We have less $ bec of the Obama created sequester. People excusing it are also 2 blame. $ Lies hurt us all.#Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
Wanna fight offsets? Don’t use “good offsets” argument. We need no offsets. We create $. Choice is what 2 do with it=wars or relief? #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
@therealpriceman are you planning onmaking it a habit? #uppers
— Greg Griffin (@GDGriffin) May 26, 2013
Jesse Helms was a despicable POS liar. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
@therealpriceman all that being true, coincidence that he was consistently re-elected?
— James Overholt (@JamesOverholt) May 26, 2013
Imagine if (D)s spent their energy pressuring their Senators like the tea party did Orrin Hatch instead of making excuses 4 them? #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
@ebrew79 Reason there are so few=(D)s hate their base+their base has Stockholm syndrome=excuses all they do. Not all but most. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
@therealpriceman Yeah, You’re probably right. The Clinton/Obama/Clinton triumverate is so appealing to them though.
— Eric Brewton (@ebrew79) May 26, 2013
“@therealpricemanto pass anything w <60 votes. Start a new war and attach. Sadly true. #Uppers“//& pick an existential enemy like #terror
— Jay P Jay(@BarockNoDrama) May 26, 2013
Senator Tom Coburn says we need to pay for it. We’re already paying because he is a Senator. Haven’t we suffered enough? Hasn’t OK? #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
The uncomfortable moment where I praised Chris Christie. He was right though. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
“@therealpriceman Jesse Helms was a despicable POS liar. #Uppers” What does it say about US that he was a respected statesman?
— zz2aa82 (@zz2aa) May 26, 2013
@therealpriceman And a lot more of them has been written into the new immigration bill, Bill Gates made sure of that one. #uppers
— AnnaB (@azannaphx) May 26, 2013
“Dude, finding the right slaves is expensive!” – Apple CEOs on Apple tax avoidance system. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
It’s the effective tax rate that matters. It’s not 35%. Total BS. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
Stock repurchasing and dividends to shareholders are what come from low corporate taxes, not jobs. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
Tax Men – Apple via @sharethis John Stewart nailed it. #Fawining #Senators #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
You can’t leave this up to consumers. They can’t afford to shop their principles in this economy. You need to change trade/tax law. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
@merylnyc Those standards need 2be written into trade law=relates. Instead corps are allowed2sue any gov that does that in 3rd world #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 26, 2013
Thank you for reading.
May 25 2013
Saturday May 25, 2013: Up with Steve Kornacki Tweets
Man, I was pissed off this morning. more about that meaningless BS speech from the President that was just bluster because the word is getting out about the forced feedings in Gitmo. This speech seems to give all MSNBC hosts orgasms as if it's the DNC in 2008 again. It was a rather sickening display all week, until today. Michael Hastings called out everyone's BS and showed how like Bush/Cheney this speech was even with some of the more loftier meaningless rhetoric which will have 0 action. There was also a lot of fear mongering about how we need drones or we're all going to die. That made #Uppers better.
Having homes not ready for tornadoes are not OK in OK. It should be OK to subsidize them for lower income people. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
This is the part where all MSNBC hosts fawn over a speech that doesn’t mean anything because it is a speech. Sorry to be blunt #NDAA #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
Omar Farah is right. The President is not using his power to turn rhetoric into action like always. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
@therealpriceman Of course not, he comes running into this brick wallcalled the GOP. They don’t even want to work w/one another.#uppers
— Sharon Jones (@SharonJ44257163) May 25, 2013
Michael Hastings is the only one being real about this. This isn’t hard. Unless you hear opposition to military tribunals, it’s 0. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
@therealpriceman I think not relevant 2worry abt GuanPrisoners release. WE can Never imprison PPL bcz we worry what they’ll do tomorrow!
— jbStein (@ReelLefty1948) May 25, 2013
Keep in mind, Michael Hastings visits damage from drones like @jeremyscahill . It’s a little harder to find BS rthetoric thoughtful #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
@therealpriceman yes. There R many very scary PPL but WE MUST stand up…. Maintain……Respect our OWN Values!
— jbStein (@ReelLefty1948) May 25, 2013
Eric Holder should not be in charge of anything. He is a miserable failure. Just listen to his definition of “due process” #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
@mzrsd I thought he got in points that would have otherwise never got in there. It was effective IMO. Tone issue critiques bother me #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
This is what I remind people of when people tell me, “The Republicans are so much crazier now so leave Obama alone!” #Uppers #Clinton #Obama
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
Democrats had to deal with half their party being Dixiecrats on civil rights legislation which split the party. Things not easy then #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
@therealpriceman #Uppers The enduring myth of “When things worked”
— Jay P Jay(@BarockNoDrama) May 25, 2013
I love it! Perry Bacon offers the weak sauce to Michael Hastings blunt truthful call out. he has nothing. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
I think the intention is to associate it with “entitlements” @therealpriceman #uppers
— Greg Griffin (@GDGriffin) May 25, 2013
This is one of those morning I warned @upwithsteve about. I am coming at #Uppers from the left as I said I would.
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
@gdgriffin @therealpriceman It pains me that there is profit made on illness. #uppers
— Sarah (@textygirlredux) May 25, 2013
@textygirlredux @gdgriffin Me too. We haven;t killed the for profit charge-master monster+it needs to die. WE need Medicare for All. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 25, 2013
Thank you for reading.
May 22 2013
John T. Harvey: Austerity Leads To… Austerity!
In the real world and the reality based community, there is talk about austerity from people who understand the nuances of it and macroeconomic accounting identities. They point out the undeniable fact that there is austerity in the UK, the Eurozone, and yes, the United States. This interactive chart will show this, though I can’t embed it here. So instead, I will add a small snapshot of some of the data.

Net spending in the United States has steadily declined since it rose from 2008 to 2009 when the inadequate stimulus(only $500 billion of direct spending at about 1.5 percent of GDP) was passed. Stimulus packages don’t exist in a vacuum, and you have to count all government spending, which basically shows how exactly the numbers, including the stimulus as this does, didn’t close the output gap. And since the numbers didn’t, that is actually austerity. After all, spending went up in the UK and Eurozone from 2008 to 2009 as well, and since then, their spending has declined. Even though it is on a higher level, it is being cut at an even more alarming rate with its fate set to go below our miserable level by 2017.
I have pointed this out before. Sometimes I get frustrated, and point this out harshly, because some pride themselves on denying this established data to support whatever a politician in their party says or does. I don’t know why. Denying reality is not going to give resources to people who need them. There is a reason my last diary has been cited by the reality based Post Keynesian MMT community, in which I am truly grateful for and humbled by; it is the truth.
The real economy of jobs and wages continues to go nowhere thanks to the lack of deficit spending and an illogical debate in DC about how much austerity we need to appease the invisible bond vigilantes and confidence fairies. It is neoliberal deficit terrorist economic insanity based on lies. And on that note, it is my pleasure to republish a piece by someone in the reality based economic community whom I can now proudly say is a friend of mine, Post Keynesian MMT economist John T. Harvey. He, once again, brings clarity to these matters in a way that only he can.
May 18 2013
Saturday May 18, 2013: Up with Steve Kornacki Tweets
Today’s #Uppers was on the 3 scandals that the Obama administration is dealing with right now via the IRS, Benghazi, and the one that matters, the AP scandal where the DOJ ignored post Watergate regulations in seizing their phone records because of a leak they knew was going to be released. This problem with overzealousness over leaks from this administration has implications for everyone given what has happened to Bradley Manning and more whistle blowers than any other administration, especially one claiming to be the most transparent ever. The horrendous problem of rape in the military was also covered.
Now on #Uppers
If these scandals stop Obama’s grand bargain like Monica Lewinsky did for Bill Clinton going after Social Security I’m all for em! #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
Let’s not start a segway to Hillary 2016. Please? Like I said silver lining to Clinton scandals was no Social Security privatization #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
It’s not about left or right. It’s about what’s right as @bobherbert says. Someone with integrity and not a hack. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
Are we really going to play the game that Gene Sperling didn’t identify it was true what was in his email? #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
@therealpriceman @thereidreport They’re all responsible for that shit, I didnt vote for it That I know
— Jorge Rivera (@Wildfang135) May 18, 2013
@therealpriceman I’m disappointed in the TPOTUS on this. Is he appeasing GOP? What about his base?
— Bobby D (@ur4numb) May 18, 2013
I don’t want to let the Obama administration off the hook. They didn’t need pushing. @bobherbert = integrity. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
@therealpriceman @thereidreport And what was MSM doing while the ground shifted neath us? Embedding itself with them so now #BUYA. #uppers
— Jorge Rivera (@Wildfang135) May 18, 2013
RT @therealpriceman: Jamelle Bouie cares about Obama’s broken promises about transparency. Right on. He has some integrity, too. #Uppers
— GFJacobs (@GFJacobs) May 18, 2013
Joan Walsh is right too! People who didn’t care about Bradley Manning and John Kiriaku now care about AP. #hypocrisy #uppers
— Eric Brewton (@ebrew79) May 18, 2013
I’m glad we are talking about this. It kills the excuse that Republicans are so much crazier now. They always were. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
It’s very simple. It’s about men who can’t control their impulses as if=are animals. They are further conditioned by getting away #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
It’s BS. It’s not the alcohol, movies, or anything else. It’s a lack of throwing rapists in jail+out of the military. Period. #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
Jessica Hinves is right. Thank you for telling your horrendous personal story. Prosecutors need to be in charge of these cases fully #Uppers
— priceman (@therealpriceman) May 18, 2013
Thank you for reading.
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